Local Eyesore Transformed

Regeneration of Eyesore
JWPC secured consent for the regeneration of a former mill site in Darwen with 27 dwellings. Surrounded by millworkers’ terraced houses, the main mill building had been demolished, and a number of redevelopment schemes for the site had stalled along the way. The land was overgrown and a real eyesore for local residents.

JWPC advised the client and their architect on issues of design, access, parking and residential amenity, and submitted a full planning application to the local Council. Given that the number of homes proposed was needed to ensure the viability of the scheme, JWPC negotiated slightly reduced spacing distances between dwellings, with careful landscaping preventing overlooking.

S106 Agreement
Further negotiations with the Council ensured that contributions made towards the local provision of affordable housing stock took the form of a financial payment, rather than on-site delivery.

The planning permission secured homes which delivered quality family accommodation whilst reflecting much of the local character of the area, complying with local planning policy design requirements and giving existing residents a much improved view!

Let’s work together